Root Canal

Root Canals

Root Canals are a necessary procedure when a tooth is seriously diseased due to decay, fracture, trauma, or infection. The severely damaged or diseased tooth can become very sensitive to hot and cold senses and/or develop into a large infection. If left untreated, you may experience continued discomfort related to infection, including pain, swelling or an abscess, as well as loss of the tooth. A root canal shoots for repairing the tooth rather than removing it.

This procedure is ideal for those with a severely diseased tooth (or teeth) due to decay, fracture or trauma. If you are at risk of losing a tooth due to significant disease, check with Campbell Dentistry as a root canal may be an appropriate solution.

The primary outcome of a root canal is to repair a diseased tooth and give you confidence back in your smile. If you’re currently suffering from an infected tooth and you hope to keep it rather than lose it to disease, a root canal may be your only option. But in addition to potentially saving your tooth, a root canal can also result in the prevention of:

  • Pain

  • Swelling

  • Abscess

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold due to disease

  • Tooth loss

A root canal can be completed in one or two office visits. Local anesthesia surrounding the tooth should allow for little to no pain during the procedure. During the procedure, the infected nerve and surrounding area are removed followed by a careful cleaning of the tooth. After the cleaning, the tooth is packed with a biocompatible material to ensure it remains healthy. If necessary, a crown is fabricated to ensure the health of the tooth. The surrounding area of the tooth may be sensitive for a few days following the procedure.